Each year we are blessed to help guide and film for the Seamark Ranch turkey hunt held in Jacksonville Florida. A group of supporters are invited to come hunt at DeeDot ranch and have the opportunity at a hunt of a life time. Mossy Oak has been a huge part of this hunt for many years. This year Ernie is partnered with Mr. Bill Sugg and Mr. Johnny and they are headed to a beautiful, secluded food plot that is surrounded by pine plantations and oak hammocks. Turns out there was five gobblers roosted on the edge of the food plot and it didn’t take long before the guys had an awesome show.
For all your hunting apparel needs, head to the Mossy Oak Store.
Up Next in Season 3
2024 Seamark Ranch Turkey Hunt - Part...
Each year we are blessed to help guide and film for the Seamark Ranch turkey hunt held in Jacksonville Florida. A group of supporters are invited to come hunt at DeeDot ranch and have the opportunity at a hunt of a life time. Mossy Oak has been a huge part of this hunt for many years. On this vid...
Knox’s 2024 Redemption Gobbler • The ...
As a parent, it is hard to watch your kid ride the emotional roller coaster of missing a turkey. In the end, it is necessary for this to happen in order for them to love and respect the wild turkey as much as we do. On the second day of youth season in NE Florida, Knox had a gobbler coming in to ...
Dr. Chamberlain’s 2024 Osceola Hunt •...
In this video, Jacob is hunting with Dr. Mike Chamberlain and Paul Butski. It isn’t long before Paul has a Tom running into the sweet sounds of his diaphragm call.
For all your hunting apparel needs, head to the