This hunt takes us to one of our good partners, the guys from Whiskey Sloughs Outfitters in Nebraska. They have their area dialed in for ducks and both dark and light geese. It is cold, clear and the wind is coming from exactly where we needed it to come from. Just add birds!
Joining us is Tom Christie one of our Decoy Carvers and Mike Miller, one of Mario’s longtime friends from Colorado. Mike is an incredible goose caller and hunter and Mario and him go way back to their PA days. Also on the hunt is David Bingham our MLS soccer star and Josh Peck from Outdoor Limits who is one of our top Influencers for FA. We are hunting a small slough right off the main river and we have the S.U.B. blinds grassed in on a tree line and we are absolutely invisible to the birds. We shoot a bunch of Greenheads and some bonus ducks as well as some big honkers that give it up in the hole. One of the coolest hunts of the year for sure.
Up Next in Season 4
Last Pass Episode 8 • Ducks Were Too ...
This is not just another Montana hunt or any waterfowl hunt for that matter. This is one of the craziest starts to an episode we have ever had. We scouted hard and found a lot of ducks working the river and we had permission to hunt this section of river. Well, the wind picked up about 30 minutes...
Last Pass Episode 9 • California Honkers
This episode is a little different for California as you really don’t think of honkers when you think of that state. Well Mario is joined by his friends David Bingham an MLS Soccer player and Steve Hawkinson from Kupt Up Custom Duck Straps give us a real treat. They had scouted a smaller lake tha...
Last Pass Episode 10 • Divers On The Bay
Another California treat………. this time we are hunting divers on the bay. We get set up with one of David Bingham’s friends to hit the big water and chase some divers just to mix up our Cali trip. I can tell you that Federal Ammunition was happy about this hunt as we shot a ton of shells, way mor...
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