Last Pass Episode 10 • Divers On The Bay
Trending Waterfowl Episodes
Another California treat………. this time we are hunting divers on the bay. We get set up with one of David Bingham’s friends to hit the big water and chase some divers just to mix up our Cali trip. I can tell you that Federal Ammunition was happy about this hunt as we shot a ton of shells, way more than normal, but that is diver hunting. We have the S.U.B. blind set up on an island and for divers we just needed the front panels set up. We have a chase boat for cripples heading out to sea as well as Jett and Nitro retrieving birds closer in. This is no easy task for the dogs with the tide, chop and all that goes into a hunt like this. Scenery is pretty cool and that is what it is all about when you go somewhere different. Buffleheads, Bluebills, Goldeneyes and more are on the list of takers.
Kyle Killen from Weatherby along with David Bingham and his buddy Lance enjoy the diver madness for the day. We give the Foam Filled diver decoys a good go and the big profile of these birds on the water sucked the ducks right into it.
We also have a little side bet going on how many shots would it take to sink one of our foam filled Bluebills. Tune it to see if it sinks and how many shots it takes.
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