With Jeff being tagged out and good friend Paul Herrin having a tag in his pocket, Paul and Jeff head over to a new farm where Paul thinks they can strike up a bird. A short while after arriving the guys find a bird and setup on him quick. “Quick Draw Paul” holds true to his name and doesn’t give the bird anytime to put on a show or Jeff to capture much live on his phone for social media but makes for good laughs as he lays down another south Georiga gobbler.
Up Next in Season 1
Third Times a Charm • Lindsey Way Lon...
Mrs.Wanda and camera man Kyle are setup in a ground blind covered in turkeys. After calling to several groups of toms and to many hens messing up the hunt, a tom finally decides to slip in close for a shot but Mrs.Wanda gets a little excited and misses a couple times leaving Kyle scrambling, look...
Iowa Sunrise • Lindsey Way Longbeards
This past turkey season in Iowa Jeff is setup on the “strips” a magical spot on the farm where all hunting seems to be good. This year camera man Derek and his wife are expecting a new baby giving Jeff and Derek only one day to hunt, putting the pressure on to make something happen quick. The Spa...