I find myself in the perfect scenario as this GIANT GOBBLER hits the call on a mid morning stroll! Sit with me as he struts through the open pines to the gun!
For all your hunting apparel needs, head to the Mossy Oak Store.
Up Next in Season 7
Pinhoti 2024 Ep 24 • Pinhoti Project
You'll want to witness a pair of EAGLES harass a ROOSTED GOBBLER while I'm set up on the fringe of shotgun range! And if you like hen talk, it simply doesn't get better than this episode!
For all your hunting apparel needs, head t...
Pinhoti 2024 Ep 25 • Pinhoti Project
We aren't behind one but that's not because they aren't in front of us! Watch as these PUBLIC LAND GOBBLERS slip through my fingers on an ALL DAY chase! It's just turkey hunting!
For all your hunting apparel needs, head to the
Pinhoti 2024 Ep 26 • Pinhoti Project
FINALLY! If you join me, together, we are going to put our hands on a MARYLAND GOBBLER! It's the realness of these encounters that reminds me, turkey hunting isn't a one dimensional game. Adaptability kills turkeys.
For all your huntin...