Last Pass Episode 9 • California Honkers
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This episode is a little different for California as you really don’t think of honkers when you think of that state. Well Mario is joined by his friends David Bingham an MLS Soccer player and Steve Hawkinson from Kupt Up Custom Duck Straps give us a real treat. They had scouted a smaller lake that was holding a lot of honkers right off a bigger roost and near some feeds. The birds were leaving the roost and feeding nearby, so we got our gear and headed there for a morning shoot. We had the S.U.B. X4 and a MVP panel blind grassed in and to be honest our hide was probably one of the best hides we have had in a long time. The birds had zero clue we were there. We had a dual setup as we had LIVE goose floaters, some LIVE Mallard floaters out front and then HD Honker Full Bodies behind us with some LIVE Specks mixed in on the pasture grass.
This hunt was a great time as we had some great callers and hunters in the blind with us. Steve is probably one of the best Speck Callers I know and just knows how to finish them. Lance and Ken were also with us and Lance mouth called 2 single Snows in and that just puts the icing on the cake for this hunt. The thing about this area is there is no reason for the Specks and Snows to be in the area, so they were lost but we found them a home.
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