Mossy Oak’s Daniel Haas takes in the majesty of Colorado’s Three Forks Ranch hiking, the mountainsides in search of bull elk.
For all your hunting gear needs, head to the Mossy Oak Store.
Up Next in Elk Season
Michael The Hunter Chef
Professional chef Michael Hunter, aka the Hunter Chef, finds inspiration for his cooking through foraging fresh ingredients and hunting wild game. Michael grows both his hunting and cooking repertoire joining Mossy Oak’s Daniel Haas on his first ever elk hunt at the majestic Three Forks Ranch in...
One Step At A time • A Mossy Oak Shor...
The great outdoors has its own unique way of helping the grieving process when we lose our loved ones. Eleven months after the tragic loss of his son, Dr. Mike Chamberlain (@wildturkeydoc) joins Mossy Oak’s Bobby Cole on epic elk hunt with our friends at Three Forks Ranch in Northern Colorado. Am...
John Faulkenberry • HONOR
The debut episode of HONOR features Operation: Iraqi Freedom war veteran, John Faulkenberry, as he hunts Colorado elk in an environment all-too-similar to the mountains he trekked in Afghanistan. The purpose of HONOR is to acknowledge the service men and women of this great country and tell their...