The great outdoors has its own unique way of helping the grieving process when we lose our loved ones. Eleven months after the tragic loss of his son, Dr. Mike Chamberlain (@wildturkeydoc) joins Mossy Oak’s Bobby Cole on epic elk hunt with our friends at Three Forks Ranch in Northern Colorado. Among the many elevated miles hiked, an experience awaits Mike that helps him feel the presence of his son. This is an elk hunt you do not want to miss.
For all your hunting apparel needs, head to the Mossy Oak Store.
Up Next in Elk Season
John Faulkenberry • HONOR
The debut episode of HONOR features Operation: Iraqi Freedom war veteran, John Faulkenberry, as he hunts Colorado elk in an environment all-too-similar to the mountains he trekked in Afghanistan. The purpose of HONOR is to acknowledge the service men and women of this great country and tell their...
A Hunt 27 Years in the Making • Chasi...
Mossy Oak's Ben Maki and his long-time friend Austin Musselman finally turn their dreams into a reality. Two bulls come charging down the hill right towards Ben as he draws back his bow--this is an adventure you don't want to miss.
For all your hunting gear needs, head to the Mossy ...
New Mexico Bugles • Elk Hunting • Str...
We follow self-proclaimed flatlander Lannie Wallace as he pursues a great elk on public land, with Graham's Guide Service in New Mexico.
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