In this episode of Seek One, Lee hunts a suburban Atlanta buck he named Lefty. After five years of history with him, Lee decides it’s time to dedicate an entire season to this incredibly smart buck. As the sits in the stand stack up, Lee realizes just how in tune with his environment Lefty really is! Lefty patterned where Lee was parking his truck and entering in the woods, so he threw lefty a curveball.
Up Next in Season One
Napoleon • Seek One
In this episode, Drew dedicates his season to hunting a large 800 acre tract of land in the Atlanta suburbs to prove that we can successfully hunt "big woods" deer . After a disappointing early season, the buck that Drew has been waiting on finally shows up. The scouting and hard work put in seas...
Lefty (Part 2) • Seek One
In part 2 of this series, Lee hunts a suburban Atlanta buck he named Lefty. After five years of history with him, Lee decides it’s time to dedicate an entire season to this incredibly smart buck. As the sits in the stand stack up, Lee realizes just how in tune with his environment Lefty really is!
Wide 8 • Seek One
The first episode of the 2018 season of Suburban Bowhunter is here!! In this episode, Jay Maxwell chases an old monarch in the Atlanta suburbs. After an extremely close call on the very first hunt, things start to go haywire. Drama with the surrounding landowners and several encounters later, Jay...