The duck crowd thinks they are better than the goose crowd, and the goose crowd thinks that they are better than the duck hunters. Whats your pick?? Which side of #theGreatDebate are you on?
Up Next in Season 3 (2019-2020)
S3C2 Mandatory Attendance • Rolling T...
Spence and his cousin Will issue an invitation to their dads and to their Uncle Rick for a hunting trip to the Prairie region of Saskatchewan Canada..... an invitation that required "Mandatory Attendance". Sometimes the busyness of life just gets in the way of making time in the field with the ...
S3C3 Attitude Adjustment • Rolling Th...
Scouting and glassing pays off for the crew when they find a small patch of water in the middle of many square miles of dry ground. It turns out to be just the sort of attitude adjustment they were looking for.
S3C4 The Experience • Rolling Thunder
Determination in Kansas leads to skies filled with giant flocks of lesser Canadas, leading to memories and an experience unlike anything else in the world.