Mike Vick, known for his role in the legendary comical hunting show TK and Mike, joins us for our final episode of Turkey Call. After his hunting partner TK Browning passed away, Vick drifted away from the television industry. In his first video back, we dive into his story and the passion he shares for the great outdoors.
Up Next in 2020 Season
Hunter and Jenna • NWTF
We join Captain Hunter Forbes and his wife Jenna for the Kentucky turkey opener. The Forbes own Southern Whitetail Outfitters in Kentucky, and 30A Guide Service in Destin, Florida. They split their time between their homes in both states guiding whitetail and turkey hunters in KY, and fishing in FL.
Logan Cooke • NWTF
Logan Cooke is a Mississippi native, a lifelong outdoorsman and an NFL punter for the Jacksonville Jaguars. We join him and his wife Mary in Florida for an Osceola turkey hunt.
Senior Trip • NWTF
Like many graduating seniors, Jack Ellis’ final high school year was cut short due to COVID-19. So his dad Chris did what he knew best. He loaded up the truck and took Jack on a turkey hunting trip to the Missouri Ozarks to celebrate.