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How to use a Glass or Slate Turkey Call • Beginner Friction Calls

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Wild Turkey • Mossy Oak University

Josh Grossenbacher Turkey Calling • Audio Sequence

1m 30s

Up Next in Josh Grossenbacher Turkey Calling Tips

  • How to use a Glass or Slate Turkey Ca...

    Slate or pot style calls are a type of friction turkey call. It has two pieces, a slate or glass “pot” and a striker. Hold the striker like a pencil and flip the top end away so the striker is at an angle moving back towards you. Create a yelp by making a small circle, oval or diagonal motion wit...

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  • How to Condition a Slate Turkey Call ...

    You always want to make sure your call surface is conditioned properly for effective calling. On a slate surface, Scotch-Brite™ will remove moisture, oil or smoothness from the plate that may affect the striker movement and friction.