Last Pass Episode 14 • Wild West Ducks Part 2
Trending Waterfowl Episodes
The West has a variety of birds and in certain places you can shoot your limit of 7 ducks with 7 different species hanging on your strap. One of my favorite places to explore and hunt is on the Columbia River. It is one of the wildest rivers in the West as it is unforgiving as it has taken anglers, hunters, boats, motors, equipment and pulled them to the bottom of its waters. You have to be extra careful as you navigate this big waterway as in certain spots there are giant ships trading in the shipping lanes as well as other constant boat traffic. On this episode the Final Approach team lead by Mario get to take some folks that have never hunted a big river. We are joined by Kyle from Weatherby, as well as his dad Dirk. We also get to take Shawn Skipper from Leupold Optics and David Bingham from the Portland Timbers, who just happens to have his brand-new boat. Expect some wet weather and some big water as we give the FA Waterproof Shells and the Weatherby guns a real test in the NW Weather.
Up Next in Trending Waterfowl Episodes
Last Pass Episode 7 • The Honey Hole
This hunt takes us to one of our good partners, the guys from Whiskey Sloughs Outfitters in Nebraska. They have their area dialed in for ducks and both dark and light geese. It is cold, clear and the wind is coming from exactly where we needed it to come from. Just add birds!
Joining us is Tom ...
Big & Greasy • Rolling Thunder Episod...
Standing Corn • Rolling Thunder Episo...
Ducks were stale on our recent late season trip to Canada.
After several hunts that didn’t pan out, we found some standing corn to hide in and an open transition pond for an unforgettable afternoon shoot.