Last Pass Episode 13 • Youth Hunt Gone Wild
Trending Waterfowl Episodes
Tyler Mann of Saskatchewan Goose Company organized a youth hunt with the Cater Lake Wildlife Federation for the end of the week while we were up hunting. Mario and the crew volunteered their time to stick around and make sure these young hunters have the time of their lives. The geese totally cooperated and worked the decoys so all our young hunters could get some very close shots.Tons of laughs + good shooting = a pile of geese. Any time you can get new hunters in the field is a special hunt for sure.
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Last Pass Episode 19 • The Frontrunners
Another edition of spring snows in Canada with Tyler Mann and Andy Digout of Saskatchewan Goose Company. Mario, Brad Fenson (freelance outdoor writer) and John Serrano from Montana are on the ground with us. On this hunt we probably had one of the best hides that we possibly have had for spring...
Attitude Adjustment 2 • Rolling Thund...
On the last day of a long Canada trip last fall, we found the ducks piling in a small dugout. No decoys or spinners, and leaned up against the base of a big ol' tree made for a good ol' fashioned Attitude Adjustment...Part 2!