Last Pass Episode 1 • 8 Jack Miner Double Bands
Trending Waterfowl Episodes
This episode is much more than just hunting a few Canada Geese. This is about the history of a legendary waterfowl hunter and conservationist, Jack Miner or “Wild Goose Jack”. The Jack Miner Sanctuary in Kingsville Ontario is We also head out a hunt for early season honkers about 30 miles or so away from the Kingsville to try our luck on a few birds. We do get lucky enough to harvest a few birds and a few bands and I can tell you I have never seen that much jewelry in one hunt ever.
This is a must watch and the Jack Miner Sanctuary is a must see for any waterfowl hunter! one of the first places in North America where a wild bird was banded for the sole purpose to retain information from its migration. The passion, dedication and respect Jack had for all waterfowl and birds has never been duplicated. In this episode you can see the grounds where it all started, and what they are still doing to make a difference.
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