Mr. Fox Haas • 71st Season • Chapter 3 • Short Film
Short Films
7m 58s
The third installment of a short-film series from Mossy Oak Capture Productions follows Mossy Oak’s “Founding Father,” Mr. Carl Fox Haas as he continues his pursuit of a 71st successful turkey seasons. The previous episodes captured some action-packed encounters in the Alabama and Mississippi turkey woods, where he leaves empty-handed. Even the most experienced turkey hunters face defeat. "Mr. Fox 71” shares the authenticity of being so close to a turkey and missing the prize. Could this hunt be lucky number three?
Up Next in Short Films
Mr. Fox Haas • 71st Season • Chapter ...
Mr. Fox attempts to continue his streak and make 2018 his 71st turkey season to successfully hunt a wild turkey.
“All I can say is I’m determined,” said Mr. Fox. “I’m shooting for 71 and I’m having a hard time doing it. Thanks to my son and my grandsons. If they will stick with me, we are ... -
Mr. Fox Haas • 71st Season • Chapter ...
Mr. Fox Haas attempts to continue his streak and make 2018 his 71st turkey season to successfully hunt a wild turkey. The obsession with turkey hunting for Mr. Fox started in 1945 when he called in and killed his first turkey. Since then, he has evolved exponentially as an outdoorsman and conserv...
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In this short film we get an inside look at how the world’s largest fishing tournament plays a major role in conservation across the world.