Pinhoti Project
9 Seasons
The Pinhoti Project is here to showcase a more simplistic way of hunting, more specifically the hunting of the wild turkey. A way that is available and easily obtainable for all of us, achieved through effort- not fortune and gadgetry. The focus remains on the quarry, as it should.
Chasing Gobblers • Pinhoti Project Day 33
Episode 1
We keeping falling behind but are persistent in our chase! We're determined to get out of the "skid" that we are on one way or another. Join us through our struggles.
Wrestling A Mountain Gobbler • The Stunts They Pull • Pinhoti Project Day 34.35
Episode 2
Join us as we spend 2 days trying to work into the right spot for a mountain gobbler. I met this gobbler a few days prior (Day 31) and he was ready for the "picking" that day. He roosts in a "bulletproof" location and now has an alarm squad to help stay safe.
The Gobbling Lull • Pinhoti Project Day 36.37
Episode 3
I promised the GOOD and the BAD of the 2018 Spring season, I could skip over it and pretend it didn't happen but that wouldn't paint the whole picture. Here are 2 quick before work hunts where the weather cooperated and nothing else did.
Turkey Hunt Self Filming Woes • Frustration Overload • Pinhoti Project Day 38.39
Episode 4
The frustration nearly boils over as I mess up a hard fought for opportunity. The smallest error in setup will cost you when you're hunting steep terrain and not using decoys to finish the drill for you.
She Kills A Giant Eastern Gobbler In Miserable Weather • Pinhoti Project Day 40
Episode 5
Suffer with us through the driving rain and wind advisories as Courtenay kills a DANDY Alabama gobbler! If you're going to be successful at hunting turkeys, you MUST learn to adapt to the situation. That is exactly what took place on this hunt! Enjoy!
Real Turkey Hunting • Pinhoti Project Day 41
Episode 6
Our first day hunting on unfamiliar ground within the public lands of Kentucky had a little bit of EVERYTHING! Join us for a day packed with vocal hens, sneaking coyotes and thankfully a couple hard gobbling Eastern turkeys! Not to mention the snow and crazy winds! A day we will not soon forget!
Kentucky Hardwoods Turkey Hunting • Surprise Longbeards • Pinhoti Project Day 42
Episode 7
Join us for another day in the public lands of Kentucky as we scour the hardwoods in search of a willing gobbler. Just went as we least expect it- we find ourselves in the right spot.
Public Land Turkey Hunt • Pinhoti Project Day 43
Episode 8
Sometimes turkey hunting does go as planned! Watch as we slip into position on 2 hard gobbling Kentucky easterns and have them gobble to the gun barrel. This pair of gobblers reiterate the fact that it doesn't take much when you're in the right spot!
Hardwoods Hunting • Pinhoti Project Day 44
Episode 9
Well, roosted isn't always roasted. Our plan was flawless; we knew which way he was going and how he was getting there, we just found ourselves on the wrong side at daylight. I also get a little fussy with those who trash our public lands. We're off to another state!
Hunting The Illinois Bluffs • Pinhoti Project Day 45
Episode 10
Tag along as we spend our first day in Illinois traversing rock bluffs attempting to locate a willing gobbler. This is the part of out of state turkey hunting that's the toughest- finding the birds. It takes all day, but we put our ears on one just in time for a night of restless sleep.
Illinois Public Hunting • Pinhoti Project Day 46
Episode 11
Wow, what a day! Our second day turkey hunting Illinois public land was something to behold. We were in gobblers from daylight until the 1pm cutoff. You won't believe what all happens. Join us!
Living Out Of A Truck • A Turkey Walks Into Camp • Gun Check • Pinhoti Project D
Episode 12
Here is a little BONUS SEGMENT of Day 46 that should tidy up the loose ends. I walk you through my sleeping arrangements while on the road, we check Squirrels gun and we even have a turkey walk into camp while I'm wrestling with footage. Have a Look!
13:01Episode 13
Rainy Day Hunting • Pinhoti Project Day 47
Episode 13
It was a great hunt. But unfortunately the frustrations of a rough Day 46 combined with the rain convinced me to worry less about the camera and more about the hunting. It's a constant struggle and I failed on this outing. You got to see the action without the rewards on Day 46, here you get to ...
Learning A Gobbler • Pinhoti Project Day 48.49
Episode 14
Returning from an out of state run I arrive home to terrible weather. But, this video shows you exactly why I refuse to miss a morning; while you may not kill him, each interaction he should teach you something about himself. These 2 days of hunting he teaches me enough. Have a look at the buildi...
Self Filmed Public Land Turkey Hunt •Pinhoti Project Day 50
Episode 15
You're going to want to tag along for this one! Late season turkeys can be a special kind of challenge. This fine gobbler was no exception. I had to get creative to seal the deal on this highly educated, public land longbeard! Leave me a comment to let me know what you think!
Late April Turkey Hunt • Pinhoti Project Day 51
Episode 16
These public land longbeards can dish out pills that are sure hard to swallow; this morning was definitely one of those! Watch as we fool this gobbler only to have him escape unscathed.
Foggy Morning Hunt • Keeping Tabs On An Old Friend • Pinhoti Project Day 52
Episode 17
I'm running solo again on this before work, post rain hunt. The foggy morning had the bird's spirits dampened it seemed. It took until after 8am to strike a gobbler. Which of course made me late for work. Again.
Turkey Hunt Public Land • Pinhoti Project Day 53
Episode 18
You simply must see this hunt to believe it! A brutal climb in was rewarded when an entire flock of turkeys come to the call across vertical, rugged terrain. An incredible day in the spring mountains!
Hunting Before Work • Risking A Fall For A Gobbler • Pinhoti Project Day 54.55
Episode 19
It's one more week of work before I get to do some traveling. Late season has me going into specific spots looking for birds that were located earlier in the season. Of course I always welcome newcomers.
Good Day Bad Day • Pinhoti Project Day 56 57 58
Episode 20
The late season has my mind in a haze and in a hurry to get an earlier start for the gobbler I found the day prior I left the camera batteries on the charger at home. The hunting was good, the video nonexistent. Then you can follow me for 2 more days as a find a couple gobblers that Chubbs and I ...
Lesson On Turkey Hunting Ethics • Public Land • Pinhoti Project Day 59
Episode 21
Climb aboard as I have to make quick work of my last morning hunt before a trip to the Pacific Northwest. I fall RIGHT into a GOBBLING turkey. I had all the confidence in the world but I was in for a surprise!
Day In The Life Of A Traveling Turkey Hunter • Pinhoti Project Day 60
Episode 22
Join me for the 1st of a 9 day public land DIY turkey hunting trip to the Pacific Northwest. Watch as I show you what's possible and what's within reach of anyone wanting to travel to hunt. This hunt strikes home for me, it's the reason I live and breathe Spring turkey hunting. Come along for the...
Calling Merriams Gobblers To 12 Yards • Pinhoti Project Day 61
Episode 23
t's Day 2 hunting in Washington; I had to kick, scratch and claw to get in the right spot for these gobblers. But once I did, I had a whole flock glaring down on me from 12 STEPS! Watch as the longbeard shows up FAN FIRST over the rise. Turkey hunting at it's finest!
Montana Turkeys •Patience In Bad Weather • Waiting Game • Pinhoti Project Day 62
Episode 24
The foul weather had me trapped inside the vehicle for much of the day in Montana. You'll see how I made the most of it and "made lemonade with lemons." Everything added up for a "nail biter" evening hunt. Overall, a great day.