The third installment of a short-film series from Mossy Oak Capture Productions follows Mossy Oak’s “Founding Father,” Mr. Carl Fox Haas as he continues his pursuit of a 71st successful turkey seasons. The previous episodes captured some action-packed encounters in the Alabama and Mississippi turkey woods, where he leaves empty-handed. Even the most experienced turkey hunters face defeat. "Mr. Fox 71” shares the authenticity of being so close to a turkey and missing the prize. Could this hunt be lucky number three?
Up Next in Mr. Fox
Mr. Fox's 72nd Turkey Season
It's become the highlight of turkey season, guiding the guider. Every spring, in just one season, years of memories are made. Toxey, Neill and Daniel Haas give back to "Papaw," the one who fostered their passion for the outdoors, especially the wild turkey. Mr. Fox has his 72nd consecutive, succe...