We’re bringing back Mossy Oak Classics with some of our greatest deer hunts from the 90's and early 00's.
On this Mossy Oak Classics episode, Mr. Fox Haas and Cuz Strickland make a homemade shooting stick and head to a food plot where the wind is going to be right. They don’t have to wait too long before Mr. Fox’s buck steps out.
Up Next in Deer Hunts
The Water Buck w/ Toxey Haas and Cuz ...
This hunt is a bonafide classic. One that Toxey called, “his favorite thing they’ve ever filmed” at one point. Toxey shoots a big 7-pointer with his bow on a cold Mississippi morning, and, of course, the buck goes off in a big slough of water. Cuz gets drafted to retrieve it.
Watch more classic ...
Whitetails in the Oak Flat Pt1 w/ Bob...
On this Mossy Oak Classics episode, Bob Dixon is hunting some beautiful fall woods when a huge buck comes by eating acorns. Bob says it’s the “biggest buck I’ve ever killed in my life.” He doesn’t take it for granted, though. He says, “Whether it’s a great big trophy buck or a little ole doe back...
Whitetails in the Oak Flat Pt2 w/ Tox...
In this Mossy Oak Classic episode, Toxey Haas is bowhunting in Iowa. He sets up in a great-looking funnel with plenty of acorns on the ground and tries out a new call in his arsenal, attracting in a big buck only minutes later.
Watch more classic hunts here: https://www.mossyoak.com/our-obsessio...