In Ducks Unlimited's film “Kodiak, Alaska,” a group of friends experience the waterfowl hunt of a lifetime in the vast northern landscapes of the last frontier.
“Alaska is so beautiful and majestic,” said Kirk Kaiser. “Bringing in guys who have never been to Alaska is awesome just to watch the look on their faces.”
Waterfowler Mike Roberts realized quickly things are different on Kodiak Island.
“Everybody duck hunts a little differently. This is sure different than the way we do it back home,” Roberts said. “Sunrise here isn’t until 9:30. We get dropped off with a few decoys. We sit on the beach and get tucked in. There’s no calling. You sit and wait. The ducks come out of nowhere and they fly fast. It’s fun and it’s a challenge. This is really something cool for guys who like to waterfowl hunt.”
Brent Mowen hopes the rest of his family can someday experience Kodiak just like he did.
“Hopefully in the next 10 to 15 years I can bring my kids up here,” he said. “It would be nice for them to see it just like this. I hope this is how it stays for the next 20, 30 or 40 years.”